Animals in Bronze by Christopher Payne 1986/1993, 424 pages. This book has 955 illustrations in B/W and color. It is probably the best illustrated reference book on this subject. Each illustration has a thorough text description with sizes and price information. There is a detailed section about casting techniques and also biographies on most European and American sculptors. This hard cover book and dust jacket are in like new condition. Price $ 155.00 |

Les Animaliers by Jane Horswell 1971, 339 pages, large hardcover book with artist biographies and excellent full page photos of the works of the major Animalier sculptors: Barye, Fratin, Mene, Bonheur, Fremiet, Moigniez etc. The book also has info on founders, signatures, and methods of casting, along with a value guide. One of the best references on animal bronzes. Out of print book in like new condition with dust jacket in protector. Price - Inquire |

The Animaliers by James Mackay 1973, 160 pages. This book covers the works of most of the animal sculptors in the 19th and 20th century. There are biographies, good B/W & color illustrations as well as an appendix listing of the sculptures by most major artists (examples: 210 sculpture listings by Barye, 286 listings by Mene). This is a used out of print hard bound book with a fine dust jacket in a protector in as new condition Price Inquire |

Bronzes of the 19th Century by Pierre Kjellberg 1994 is a complete encyclopedia containing 685 pages encompassing nearly 750 French artists, with in depth biographies, listings of the works (along with the size and the foundry when known), museum collections in France and elsewhere, as well as recent auction sales along with over 1000 photographs of the sculptures. It also includes a well written overview of the 19th century foundries that cast the bronzes and the casting methods that were used. This hard cover book and dust jacket are in in new condition. Price Inquire |

Dictionary of American Sculptors by Glenn Opitz 1984, 1st edition, 656 pages with 200 photos, large hardcover book.
This huge book is the best reference on American sculptors, it covers all known American sculptors and gives their biographical information, exhibit records and lists their most famous sculptures. This out of print book is in excellent condition with dust cover. Price - Inquire |

Dictionary of Sculptors in Bronze by James MacKay 1977, 414 pages. The definitive dictionary covering bronze sculpture. Using all the major art references, museum archives, and auction sale catalogs over a 30 year period the author was able to find information on many unknown and lesser sculptors. There are biographies for over 8500 sculptors making this the most complete book ever written on this subject. This hard cover book and dust jacket are in new condition. Price Inquire |

Art Bronzes by Michael Forrest (1988) presents over 1,100 illustrations, 200 in color, in 493 pages of well researched text which includes the artist signatures, dates, and foundry marks. Over 450 artists are listed covering Romantic, Animal, Oriental, Frontier, Victorian, and Exotic styles from Europe, Asia, and the United States. This is a must have reference book for any collector. This hard cover book and dust jacket are in new condition. Price $ 95.00 |

Rediscoveries in American Sculpture by Janis Conner & Joel Rosenkranz 1989, 208 pages. A well researched book on 20 American sculptors from the late 19th and early 20th century including William Hunt Diederich, Harriet Frishmuth, Herbert Haseltine, Malvina Hoffman, Cecil Howard, Anna Hyatt, Max Kalish, Albert Laessle, Frederick MacMonnies, Paul Manship, Janet Scudder, Bessie Potter Vonnoh, Mahonri Young, etc. This is a used out of print book in new condition with a dust jacket. Price - Inquire |

Rembrandt Bugatti: Felines and Figures by Sladmore cloth bound catalog from the 1993 exhibition at the Sladmore Gallery in London. Printed in England, this 60 page hard cover book features 20 color photographs of his sculptures. Scarce out of print book is in like new condition. Price $ 65.00 |

Les Bugatti D Alain Delon by Alain Delon 1988 hard cover book with 84 pages and 40 color
plates, it was published in France and the print run was limited to only
3,000 copies. The text is in French, English and Japanese. This scarce out
of print book is still new in shrinkwrap Price $ 65.00 |

Bugatti by The Cleveland Museum 1999, 138 pages with over 150 photographs, most in color. The first American exhibition devoted to all three generations of the Bugatti family. Carlo Bugatti was a furniture & metal work designer, his son, Rembrandt, was a sculptor of animals, and Ettore was an engineering genius who produced racing & touring cars. Ettore's son Jean designed automobile bodies and his work has significantly contributed to the famous Bugatti name today. This is a new hard cover book in a dust jacket Price $ 75.00 |

Antoine-Louis Barye: Sculptor of Romantic Realism by Glenn F. Benge, 1984 first edition, 210 pages, large hard cover book with over 260 illustrations. The book presents a chronological critique of Barye's oeuvre, with an excellent discussion of the individual sculptures and why they were important, from his early work to the monumental sculpture. One of the best and most interesting of the many books on Barye. Out of print hard cover book in as new condition with the dust jacket in a protective cover. Price $ 155.00 |

BARYE Catalogue Raisonne des Sculptures by Michel Poletti & Alain Richarme, 2000. This huge comprehensive book with 512 pages has over 600 illustrations in color and black and white encompassing all of Barye's sculptural works. The definitive reference on this sculptor and his bronzes. The book is the result of over 20 years of dedicated research by these two authors. Text is in French. Price $ 225.00 |

BARYE by Edith Mannoni. 1996, 119 pages, large over size book with full page photos and I will say they are some of the finest photographs of Barye bronzes I have ever seen. There are in-depth descriptions of each illustration as well as biographical information on this great French Master. The text is in French but it will take you a while to realize this as the photographs of the bronzes will not let you look at anything else. This is a used hard bound book in as new condition with a pictorial cover. Price - Inquire |

The Barye Bronzes A Catalogue Raisonne by Stuart Pivar. 1990, 307 pages with over 320 illustrations. This is an in-depth biography on this famous French sculptor, covering his full career. The book is full of color and B/W photographs of all of the artist's bronzes collected from various museums and private collections. Plus Barye's original catalog of sculptures is included. We have both the rare 1st edition and the 2nd edition available in fine condition with dust jackets. Price - Inquire |

BARYE The Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye by Charles De Kay 158 pages,86 illustrations, hard cover, first published in 1889 in limited edition of 525 copies, this is a top quality hard cover re-print done in 1972. This book was done in memory of an Exhibition of his bronzes, paintings and watercolors held at New York to aid the Fund for the Barye Monument in Paris. It covers Barye's life and his sculptures, it is an excellent reference. The original 1889 books sell for up to $650 but we found an old stock of these fine high quality 1972 reprint books, they are new in shrinkwrap. We also have a copy of the Original 1889 Signed Limited Edition available. Price $ 35.00 |

The Romantics to Rodin by Peter Fusco and H. W. Janson, 1980, 368 pages, large oversize soft cover book. An exhibit of 19th century French sculptors covering 58 of the most famous artist of this time period. The book has hundreds of B/W photos of the bronzes and much information about the casts. This is an invaluable reference on 19th century French sculpture. A used soft cover book in very good condition. Price $ 38.00 |

The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin by John L. Tancock Published by The Philadelphia Museum of Art, 664 pages with over 500 illustrations. This book is most complete work on Rodin ever published comprising a well written scholarly text and an extensive bibliography, an index of names, and an index of the works of Rodin. It is printed on superb quality paper, with the latest in printing techniques which yields sharp accurate illustrations. This is a used 4to size book with pictorial dust jacket in protector in as new condition. We also have this book in a paperback edition in fine condition for $60.00. Price $ 115.00 |

Rosa Bonheur by Rosella Shriver 1982, 111 pages with 50 full page B/W and color illustrations. This book is a very in-depth biography of one of the more controversial individuals in the world of art in 19th century France. It goes in to great detail of her life in Paris and her Chateaux in the Forest of Fontainebleau with her animals. It has a very complete check list of works in American museums and collections, listed by state. This is a used out of print hard bound book in as new condition with an excellent dust jacket in a protector. Price $ 60.00 |

Rosa Bonheur by Anna Klumpke 1997 hard cover book, 316 pages, illustrated. The artist's autobiography was first published in France in 1908, written by her long time companion Anna Klumpke, this is the new English translation. A fascinating look at Rosa Bonheur's life story which tells much about the social regulations of the time as well as Bonheur's art work. This is a used book in excellent condition with a dust cover. Price Inquire |

Rosa Bonheur A Life and A Legend by Dore Ashton and Denise Browne Hare 1981, large hard cover book, 206 pages with many color and black and white
illustrations including previously unpublished photos. This is one of the
best books on Rosa Bonheur, written by an art critic, it re-evaluates her
work and the influence of social and political elements of her time. She
was one of the most important painters of her time but was largely forgotten
when she died in 1900. This is a used hardcover book with a dust cover in
excellent condition. Price $ 75.00 |

Monuments for the Middle Class by J.B. Speed Art Museum 1971, First Edition. 244 pages, 90 black and white illustrations. This is an exhibition catalogue of 90 sculptural works on exhibit by twenty-eight artists, with detailed notes on each work and biographies of the sculptors, including Bartholdi, Barye, Boucher, Carpeaux, Carrier-Belleuse, Dalou, Dantan, Daumier, d'Angers, Falguière, Frémiet, Rodin and others. Foreword by Addison Franklin Page; title essay by Ruth Mirolli; catalogue notes by Jane Van Nimmen and Ruth Mirolli. This is a 4to size soft cover book in as new condition. Price $ 65.00 |

Bronzes of the American West by Patricia Broder 1973, 431 pages, large oversize book. This book has 511 illustrations in black and white and color. It covers all of the American western sculptors and several animal sculptors with in-depth biographies and numerous illustrations. Bronzes of the American West is considered to be one of the finest reference books on this subject. This is a used out of print hard bound book in very good condition . An large over sized, very scarce, must have, reference book for any serious collector of American Western sculpture. Price $95.00 |

Charles M. Russell Sculptor by Rick Stewart 1994, 400 pages, 761 illustrations. This is the definitive book on Charles Russell and his bronzes. Mr. Stewart, the current director of the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth Texas, follows the complete collection of bronzes owned by Mr. & Mrs. Russell which were eventually purchased by the Amon Carter Museum. This book contains a well researched biography of Mr. & Mrs. Russell and lists details of every bronze cast by the Russells including the number of casts made and the foundries used to cast the works. This is a new out of print book in new condition. Price $ 95.00 |

Icons of the West: Frederic Remingtons Sculpture by Michael D. Greenbaum 1996, 211 pages, first edition of only 4000 copies printed. The complete book on the bronzes by Frederic Remington. It lists all 22 of the models that he created and the location of most of the known casts as well as detailed descriptions of the sculptures. This book has many color photos and black and white illustrations. This a used hard cover book in as new condition with dust jacket. Price inquire |

Wildlife and Western Heroes: A. Phimister Proctor by Peter H. Hassrick 2003, 256 pages, 140 color and 20 B/W illustrations. This is the definitive book on Alexander Phimister Proctor and contains examples of 52 of his most important works. This book contains a chronological history of his monumental and commercial works as well as the exhibition history for all of his sculptures. This book is new and still sealed in shrink wrap. Price $ 60.00 |

The Sculpture of James Earle Fraser by A. L. Freundlich 235 pages, comprising the first Catalogue Raisonnee of the artist. Fraser is best known for his End of the Trail and the American Buffalo Nickel. He also is the most represented sculptor of the monuments in Washington DC. His works comprise the portal figures at the Supreme Court, and other facades and pediments at the Department of Commerce, The National Archives, and The Department of Agriculture. This is a soft cover book in as new condition. Price $ 75.00 |

A Century of American Sculpture by Lucy D. Rossenfeld, 2002, 288 pages. Over 700 photographs and biographical information about over 120 sculptors. For over a century the majority of America's major sculptors chose Roman Bronze Works to cast their sculptures in bronze. This premier American foundry has cast the monumental works of Saint-Gaudens to the cowboys of Remington and Russell. To study the ledgers and archival photographs of Roman Bronze Works is to see the unfolding of American sculpture through the 20th century. Here are examples from the many schools that locked the nation's art world in titanic battles between realism and modernism. Price $ 89.95 |

American Sculpture by the Metropolitan Museum of Art A catalogue of the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC. 1965 1st edition, one of 3500 numbered copies, 193 pages, soft bound book. This invaluable reference book details the 354 sculptures by 176 American artists in the museum's collection. The book provides in depth biographies of the artists, many B/W photographs of the sculptures, and foundry information about the bronzes. This is a very useful reference book on American artists and sculpture. We have both hard cover and softcover editions in excellent condition available from $38.00 and up. Price - Inquire |

Contemporary American Sculpture by The National Sculpture Society 1929, 352 pages. A catalogue for the exhibit held at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor. This book has biographies on 269 American sculptors and their work and is one of the most comprehensive volumes on American bronzes and artists and considered by many historians as the finest reference on this subject. Many full page black and white photographs on almost every page. A used hard bound book in excellent condition with some minor wear to spine. Price $ 75.00 |

Haseltine: Champion Animals by Malcolm Cormack 94 pages, 56 illustrations. Herbert Haseltine's famous sculptures of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs come alive in exquisite photographs and fascinating commentaries taken from the sculptor's own memoirs. This is a new paperback book. Price $ 25.00 |

Malvina Hoffman by The National Sculpture Society 1948, 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Malvina Hoffman and her sculptures. It is filled with full page B/W illustrations of her bronzes and plasters. This is a used out of print hard bound book. Price $ 58.00 |

Herbert Haseltine by The National Sculpture Society 1947, 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Herbert Haseltine and his sculpture. It is filled with full page B/W illustrations of his work. This is a difficult to locate used out of print hard bound book. Price Inquire |

Anna Hyatt Huntington by The National Sculpture Society 1947, 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington and it is filled with full page B/W illustrations of her work, including several of the monumental sculptures at Brookgreen Garden. This is a used out of print hard bound book. Price $ 62.00 |

Daniel Chester French by The National Sculpture Society 1947, 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Daniel Chester French and his works. It is filled with full page B/W illustrations of his work, including several of the monumental sculptures that he did. This is a used out of print hard bound book. Price $ 48.00 |

Augustus Saint Gaudens by The National Sculpture Society 1947, 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Augustus Saint Gaudens and his works. It is filled with full page B/W illustrations of his work, including several of the monumental sculptures that he created. This is a used out of print hard bound book. Price $ 48.00 |

Paul Manship by The National Sculpture Society 1947 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Paul Manship and his works. It is filled with full page B/W illustrations of his work, including several of the monumental sculptures that he did. This is a used out of print hard bound book. Price $ 48.00 |

Sidney Waugh by The National Sculpture Society 1948 64 pages. This small monograph is just on the sculptor Sidney Waugh and his works. It is filled with full page B/W illustrations of his work, including several of the glass sculptures that he did. This is a used out of print hard bound book. Price $ 48.00 |

Catalogue of the Society des Beaux Arts, Paris, by The Society 94 pages with 320 illustrations. This is a reprint of the original 19th century Beaux Arts catalogue. This book provides a wonderful insight into the workings and exhibits of this famous Paris Salon. This is a used soft cover book in as new condition. Price $ 50.00 |